Partyclique’s Summer Fun Festival Survival Guide (Printable Page)
Now that the warm weather is here we all know what that means. FESTIVALS!… All kinds of events…. Yes, there’s nothing that can kick off the summer season quite like a festival. And fortunately, there are no shortages of festivals around the world to choose from. By far the most popular festivals are music. Food, friends and lots of good music are just a few of the good times that await you’re next musical mass gathering. But whether you’re going to a concert for a couple of hours or you’re camping out for the weekend, there’s some important things to remember to make sure that your trip is unforgettable for all the right reasons. So to properly prepare you for any situation you may encounter, here’s our Summer Festival Survival Guide:
No doubt it gonna’ get hot so take heed and take a water bottle with you. Fortunately, most venues allow one and they may even provide a refilling station. Take advantage of this and keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. The sun, sweat and booze will make it very easy to dry out and that’s the last thing you want when the fun’s just getting started.
This might seem obvious but whether you bring your own (if it’s allowed) or whether you partake of the substances available on location, beer, wine, whiskey all have one thing in common. They’ll make you drunk. With that in mind, remember to take it slow because hangovers really suck.
If we’ve learned one thing from attending events all over the country it’s that the weather can be (and often is) very unpredictable. And whether the seasons work in your favor or not, it’s not likely that the conditions are going to be absolutely perfect. That in perspective, expect to get cold (or at least chilly) when the sun goes down. Bring a jacket, sweatshirt, a long sleeved tee or anything that will keep you warm and comfortable. If need be tie it around your waist and also get some portable rain gear (like those portable poncho-in-a-baggy thingys) in case it rains. And don’t forget a hat for protection from the sun and possible warmth.
Although it may not be possible depending on the event, try to listen to as many of the acts as you can. Especially the one’s that you’re not familiar with so you can discover new music. Who knows, you might just find your next favorite band.
Toilets and Port-A-Potties are not water coolers or hangouts. Do your business and be on your merry way…. And one last thing, be respectful and considerate of those (especially women) who have to use the toilets after you. Don’t be nasty or do things you wouldn’t (or maybe even would) do at home.
This is a notorious peeve of ours…. Nobody wants to see your sweaty lower back and the top of your tighty whiteys when you’re jammed together in the crowd. Do something about it. Keep your f@#king shirt on!
Make sure you put some sunscreen on before you get to the festival and remember that you’ll probably need to put more on every couple of hours when you’ve sweated half of it off.
Consider wearing clothes with pockets and then jamming those pockets full of as many useful things as you can. Take plenty of cash (but not too much). Take some earplugs, binoculars, breath mints and the like. Remember, travel like a Jedi and don’t bring more than you need to. Keep valuables, like money, ATM cards and photo IDs on you and never leave things you can’t afford to lose in your tent or unattended.
While it’s perfectly fine to attend a festival alone. The real fun is in sharing the experience with the people closest to you. Plus, having a group of people means that one person can run for supplies, another can keep an eye on your tent and valuables, etc.. Keep in touch with your friends via texts, calls, even Facebook. Share the experience on Twitter and make sure to take plenty of pictures (if it’s allowed). This is an experience that doesn’t happen everyday and it will give you (and your friends) something to talk about and reminisce upon for years to come.
It doesn’t benefit anybody if you spend the whole day complaining and it just might make the people around you wish you’d never come along. Any gathering involving hundreds (maybe thousands) of people is going to have its discomforts. This means that….
You might rub up against or bump into other people.
You might have to stand in line or be on your feet for extended periods of time.
You might have to take a potty break.
You might (or should we say will) have to pay more money for food, water, beer or souvenirs.
You might see other people partaking in substances that go against your own moral code.
You might even see someone get naked (we wish).
Whatever the case, or the cause, remember…. You’re at a festival, baby! Live it up…. Enjoy the day, the moment and the memories. Take plenty of pictures, but don’t get so caught up in snapping that you miss out on the reason that you’re there in the first place. Your listening to good live music surrounded by good live people taking it easy and enjoying life to the fullest. Make the most of the occasion and take in as much as you can. Live for today cause tomorrow’s a long way off!