The Writers And Authors Of would not be the site that it is without the contributions of our writers. If you’d like to write for this website please contact us. We always welcome new talent and perspectives.


The Man About Town:

The Man About Town is an avid traveler and good time thrill seeker. A former trucker and the founder of, his cross country hauls were the inspiration for this website. When he’s not writing or running his company, you can find him circling the globe in search of new adventures to report on.


Since 1986 DJ SKARAB has been heavily involved in the music scene. And early adopter and lover of the musical genres that created the foundation for the music we have today, SKARAB has spent nearly 30 years watching, researching and collecting music. A first hand witness to the many significant changes that took place since the 1970s, it was always his dream to represent the independent artist. After many attempts starting in the 90s, it wasn’t until the 21st century and the coming of age of the world wide web that allowed him to fulfill his lifelong dream. Today, DJ SKARAB heads AARIAH, an agency devoted to representing the independent artist and entertainer.

Alisha Ashley Cook:

Alisha Ashley Cook is model and fashion fanatic. When she’s not tearing up the town she’s at home cooking, gaming and trying out new styles.